Thursday, 25 February 2016

ENGLISH - concept of individual differences

Individual difference

Individuals that separate them from one person to another and make one as a unique individual in oneself are termed as individual differences.
Osborne considers individual differences as dissimilarity between persons that distinguish them from one another.
The nature of individual differences can be summarized as follows
1) Individual difference are one of degree, not one kind.
All persons do have common human traits. But the amount and proportions of such traits differ from person to person leading to uniqueness of personality and behaviors the concept of individual differences refers to quantitative differences found among individuals in respect of a specific traits or various traits.
2) Normal distribution of traits
All measures of traits that contribute to individual difference tend to distribute themselves according to the laws of normal probability curve.
3) There exist both inter-individual and intra-individual differences.
Individuals not only differ among themselves with respect to a specific trait but differences may be also noticed within the same individual when he is studied in respect of various traits.
Educational significance of individual difference

Some of the important implications of individual difference in education are the following:
1)As far as possible individual method of instruction may be adopted.
2) As every student has his peculiar differences individual attention should be paid by the teacher.
3) As individuals differ in their interest and abilities a large number of subjects of study should be provided by the school, so that student may have wide choices in selection of the subject they offer for study.
4) Individual differences call for individualized curriculum, methods of teaching, evaluation techniques etc.
5) Individual differ widely in their abilities needs interest aptitude attitude etc. Therefore it is essential that arrangements should be made to provide educational and vocational guidance to the pupils individually.

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